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Title Sparkle with ETUDE Tear Drop Liner – A Mixed Bag of Glitter and Glimmer
Posted by anthos199217776 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2023-11-27 22:13:31
  • Recommend 0 Recommend
  • Views 110

As a beauty enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for eye makeup that can add a bit of sparkle to my everyday look. ETUDE's Tear Drop Liner caught my attention with its promise of a dazzling eye effect. Here's my take on this glittery eye liner.

Upon first use, I was immediately struck by the liner's aesthetic appeal. It certainly delivers on its promise of sparkle. I chose the white glitter shade, which I found to be a versatile option for both daytime subtlety and nighttime glamour. The liquid liner's superfine glitters in a clear base worked well to brighten my eyes, especially when applied to the inner corners.

The liner glides on smoothly, which is a big plus. However, I did encounter some challenges. The consistency felt a bit watery, making precise application tricky. Achieving a consistent line took some effort, and I noticed it clumped together after a few hours of wear.

The liner's wearability is where my experience becomes mixed. While it certainly added a lovely shimmer to my look, I found its staying power lacking. Touch-ups were necessary to maintain the sparkle throughout the day. Additionally, I experienced a slight itching sensation when applied close to the inner corners of my eyes, which could be a concern for those with sensitive skin.

The ETUDE Tear Drop Liner is a mixed bag. Its sparkling effect is undeniably charming and can elevate any look. However, its watery texture and issues with staying power and comfort might be deal-breakers for some. I recommend it for those who don't mind the occasional touch-up and are looking for an extra bit of dazzle in their makeup routine. 

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